5 Tips to Help You Cope with More COVID Uncertainty

Just when the world thought we finally came to terms with the Delta variant and access to therapeutics and vaccines, Omicron has now struck. After almost two years of fear and uncertainty, the Omicron variant has thrown the world another curveball. While this may be another chapter, here are some ways to cope with the ongoing COVID virus that may provide you with some comfort and ease. Additionally, if you feel as though anxiety therapy might be helpful, feel free to reach out to schedule a consultation.

1. Make Flexible Plans 

Being flexible during this unprecedented time is truly key to one’s success. While it may be helpful to have things to look forward to, we all know that things can change.  Be prepared to change your plans if different circumstances emerge. Taking a day-by-day approach may feel unrealistic but given the level of uncertainty right now, it may be best. Hope for the best, and plan for the worst!

2. Try to be Compassionate with Yourself and others about COVID

Be gentle with yourself and others. This is an incredibly unpredictable and frustrating situation, so it’s normal to feel whatever you are feeling.

Be compassionate to others as they are also likely experiencing anxiety or other reactions to these circumstances. The ugly truth is that people will miss out on holidays, weddings, birthdays, funerals, and basic day to day plans. There will be future disappointments and with the compassion and support you can feel less alone. Your feelings are valid even if other people’s losses are happening that may be more serious. 

3. Be an optimistic realist

You can wish you don’t get COVID ever and also be realistic that it may happen given the current statistics or how contagious this is. You don’t have to want it to happen but accepting that it’s a possible reality while also strategizing and putting in effort to be safe and or weigh risks for yourself is important. Then you can come up with an actionable plan for yourself based on the choices you make and what you value.

4. Find Something to be Hopeful for 

For some people, a vaccine was something that they remained hopeful for. For others, hanging out with their loved ones in alternative settings ( outdoors or even distanced at times) was still fulfilling even if it wasn’t as carefree as it used to be. Find and identify something to be grateful about even if it feels somewhat insignificant.

5.Know What you Can Control 

While you will not be able to control the pandemic in totality,  it is important to remember there are things that you do have control over. You get to decide how you show up for yourself, your attitude, who/how you will spend your time, and what you want to prioritize going forward. Try to put into action what you can control!

For more information or if you want to schedule a session, click here and give us a call or send a message.


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